Having met Saul and knowing his Christian background and his desire to read the book himself, AND to assure that he would not forget to give the book to his sister-in-law, I felt the Holy Spirit leading me to give a book to him as well. So, the country is put on the map as of today and the book count is upped 2 books to 51 for the year and 1660 to date and 76 countries!!! (Ha! In honor of 1776 as the year of signing the Declaration of Independence, we have 76 countries!) What a wonderful day you have made for me Joseph and Saul. It was such a joy to share this Holy Spirit "threesome" that Joseph and I agreed that no matter what fireworks display there would be this evening, it could not match the joy we had in knowing what had just occurred on this amazing 4th of July morning in sharing God. We will be looking forward to that photo Saul said he would send when the book gets to El Salvador!
Today is the 239th anniversary of the 13 colonies declaration of independence from Britain in 1776. It is also the 6th anniversary of the Tabernacle for a Shadow journey around the world! Praise the Lord for both! As we often hear, freedom isn't free. Usually people are speaking of what men have done to preserve our precious freedom here in the United States. Certainly we should be grateful for and honor all who have helped to keep our country free. It is not just the known heroes but all the "unsung heroes" that have provided support in any way toward the cause of freedom. I came across a couple of interesting articles in the Washington Post today. Many have given their lives in service in order to bring freedom to our country. But not all were given the same freedom after the fight: http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/the-american-revolution-was-not-a-whites-only-war/2015/07/03/347ebe5c-20cb-11e5-84d5-eb37ee8eaa61_story.html What I seek is to glorify the ONE who gave everything to give us the ultimate freedom from death. Freedom from fear, freedom from the unseen enemy in the spiritual realm, and freedom to have everlasting life. There is only one who deserves the highest praise and honor and glory, Jesus Christ, Son of God, for in him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. (Colossians 2:9)
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