Well Joseph, here it is! Finally the website you have been asking for - published on the last day of 2010. You wanted to start the new year with the new website and thanks to Chris and you, we did it! Praise the Lord! The button that allows others to read it in different languages is fantastic! Chris, Thank You for your generosity in taking the time to make this site beautiful. I am happy to have had your skills in the creation of this website. Thank you so much Joseph, for your constant enthusiasm and encouragement throughout this past year. The books would not be in all these places if it weren't for you! God certainly knew what He was doing when He picked you as International Marketing Director. Thanks to everyone who purchased books. I am greatly blessed and honored by all of you! Let's pray everyone enjoys the site and buys many books to share God's love with others - all for the glory of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!
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