A car accident in February 2016, a fall in July 2017, and Hurricane Irma in September have prevented me from posting any news in the last year and a half. However, it's time to give thanks for the goodness of God throughout all the trials. Many have suffered in the wake of recent storms, in Texas and in Florida as well as Puerto Rico and the Islands. Mexico has suffered earthquakes and certainly there have been difficult times for many. I thank God for His sovereignty in all these trials. The Tabernacle for a Shadow is a testimony to God's sovereignty over His creation: over all the world. Now that I am able, I want to express my joy that on July 4th, 2017 a book was given to a soldier to take to Afghanistan! It was the 8th anniversary of the publishing of the Tabernacle for a Shadow book! I prayed that the soldiers there would somehow be uplifted with this book. It was also the day I fell and broke two bones: one in my leg and another in my back. It has been challenging, to say the least, but I see God's grace and mercy throughout it all. So, I praise Him and thank Him for His love and care for me - and for all those whom He has used to provide for my needs. Another wonderful thing that happened shortly after my release from the hospital was the news that Joseph, while he was in Orlando, had met a couple from Bangladesh. He asked them if they had any Christian friends in Bangladesh and when they said yes, he asked if they would take a Tabernacle book to them. They were enthusiastic about doing so. I asked Joseph if they were Christians. Muslim, he replied. Praise the Lord! Although not many books traveled in 2016, a few were purchased by others and given to friends and/or family. Also, my dear friend Hannah arranged for a book to be taken with missionaries to Malawi in 2016, making it the only country added in 2016. Thank you Hannah! It is also a good time to reflect on where this book has gone: not only to individuals, but looking back, in 2011 we had planted seeds in at least 16 different religious denominations, 34 churches, 32 missions and 14 other outreaches in 42 countries. After that I lost track of the count of churches, missions and outreaches, but continued to keep count of the countries. Now, 6 years later, we have planted seeds in 82 countries. Thank you to all who have helped in this mission!
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