Summer is here in Florida. The locals have the beach to themselves and the snowbirds have flown back up north. When you have a business in Florida, as I do, you welcome the tourists, for they are your livelihood. However, it is such a busy time that when they leave then comes the rest period. Yes, it’s hot this time of year, but the mornings are cool and a great time to walk before the humidity gets too high. Now I have a moment to update the blog:
I want to thank everyone for their support of the Tabernacle for a Shadow book. Joseph has been praying for the book to be in every state in the USA by May 31, 2011 and God answered his prayer – in wonderful ways! There were 3 states that had been “lingering” on our list of states without at least one book. Then the last week of May, Joseph’s niece, Tedra, took a book to Alaska. We have yet to hear her story. On May 27th, my friend Christine purchased a book and gave it to a friend who was driving to her ranch in South Dakota. She asked her friend to allow the Holy Spirit to guide her as to who to give it to in that state. We are hoping to hear her story too. On May 31st, Ginny sent a check from Maryland to purchase a book to send to a friend. I love how Ginny stated it in her note to me: “I am always amazed by the way God carries out His plans, even simple ones, like the placement of your book in all of the states. Don’t you find it to be intriguing that I have two young Christian friends, both students at St. Andrews, a conservative Bible collegein Moscow, Idaho and Idaho is one of the 2 states where your book had not been distributed? I love His ways of fulfilling His will. Thank you for mailing Lindsey the book for I know it will be a precious treasure of hers.” The last state was now covered! Now we can give more glory to the Lord who promised the book would go around the world and be in other languages! All 50 of the United States have at least one copy of the Tabernacle for a Shadow book. How do I know? God guided me to keep a record as much as I could as to where the books went. If they had been put in national book stores they might have sold more copies or they might have been sitting on shelves. This way I can prove that they are in all these places and God gets all the glory!!! We also have at least one book in 42 countries! And I have been working with the man, Reza, who offered to translate the book into Dutch. Through a process of elimination, we have chosen which version of the Dutch bible He will use for the project. Thank you Reza for taking on this project. Many thanks also to Max and Zioly who are diligently working on the translation into Spanish as well as Joseph who is translating into German. Thank you to the others who have offered to translate into three other languages. I have not yet heard of their progress. I thank God for all of my friends and family around the world – brothers and sisters in Christ – many blessings to you! If anyone is reading this and would like share your story with the book, whether you are one who sent it or received it, please write or email or comment on the blog so we can let others know of God’s magnificent love for us! Praise the Lord!
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